De la crise et des économistes…

And the time to act is now. You may think that things can’t get any worse — but they can, and if nothing is done in the next few days, they will. – Paul Krugman, New York Times.

Describing how ideology, special-interest pressure, populist politics, and sheer incompetence have left the U.S. economy on life support, the author puts forth a clear, commonsense plan to reverse the Bush-era follies and regain America’s economic sanity. – Joseph E. Stiglitz, Vanity Fair.

Sales of household safes have surged as wealthy savers concerned about the health of banks opt to keep cash at home. // I’ve lost a fortune in stocks, and my 401(k) is falling through the floor. I feel comfortable in alpacas. // (…) in past market downturns he saw people turn to chinchillas, worm farms and super-breeds of rabbits. Emus, too, were big. // The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 8.4 percent, the most since Oct. 26, 1987, as only Campbell Soup Co. gained. – Marginal Revolution, The countercyclical asset series.

Bon temps pour investir dans mon élevage de cochons d’inde.

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