
À lire absulument, le Wired d’avril 2006, pour le rédacteur en chef invité Will Wright et son choix d’articles sur le monde des jeux vidéos et de leur influence sur la société:

How games are unleashing the human imagination. By Will Wright.

Deux (minces) pages sur Spore, son prochain jeu, que j’attend avec impatience en 2007 (sa conférence du 11 mars 2005, donnait beaucoup plus de détails, et on devrait en avoir encore lors de son keynote à la GDC le 23 mars 2006.

You Play World of Warcraft? You’re Hired! (Why multiplayer game may be the best kind of job training. By John Seely Brown

« Unlike education acquired through textbooks, lectures, and classroom instruction, what takes place in massively multiplayer online games is what we call accidental learning. It’s learning to be – a natural byproduct of adjusting to a new culture – as opposed to learning about. »

A brief history of game time.

Generation XBOX, 6 traits that define us in the post-Atari age: Arrogance, Sociability, Coordination, Flexibility, Competitiveness, Insubordination.

Geek-onomics: Why abondance sucks, and other unexpected lessons of the game economy, by Edward Castronova.

« What if everything in life was free? You’d think we’d be happier. But game designers know better: We’d be bored. (…) What we’re learning is that scarcity itself is an essential variable. »

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